Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Guild Wars 2 : LFG App Released to iTunes

    The team behind the Guild Wars 2 LFG app has announced that the latest version is now available for iOS devices and has been released on iTunes.

    The easy way to find a group. Find groups for dungeons and events in Guild Wars 2.

Great way to find a group even across different home servers.
No need to stand in Lions Arch spamming chat for a group
Quick way to advertise you are looking for a group or find that last needed member.  buy or sell GW2 gold     cheap C9 gold      Dofus Kamas à bon marché
Note: You can group with others no matter what server they are on. You don't need to be on the same home server. Only thing to note is European vs North American servers. You are unable to play across regions.


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